Sunday, March 21, 2010

day one

well, iv given in to a ten year old trend and ive decided to set up a blog. about time too, im going to try and update this as often as i can with stories from my life and comedy and everything else.

may as well start with a bit about myself?

My name is Marcus Garbhan Simon Louis O'laoire de Saint Michel Dunezat and im a 20 year old irish male.
im tall, and a generally bad person.
i play music, make people laugh from stage and make cocktails for a living. as well as some other things here and there!

i ride bikes too.

i dont use capital letters. much.

im from Dublin.

My life recently has been an amazing up and down of emotions and confusion and im taking it one day at a time. thats probably another reason why im setting up this blog, to write down some of the insane shit that happens on the day to day, with my friends and all those wonderful random people who float in and out of my life on a daily basis...

this could be the start of something.



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