Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ive got a feeling

that tonight was epic, a true discovery of self and happiness.

i had a shit night last night, i felt so empty and shit inside that every interaction ended up in akward silence and kinda brought me down even more.
today was alright, hung out with catherine for a while, was nice to catch up!

ive been gigging a lot recently, and doing some different stuff, namely, trying to work out some tasty written material, as i have some shows in the international this month and for some reason i dont think that improv will fly there with aidan bishop mc'ing, it might, but i want to have a good set just to make doubly sure!

ive ressurected the true story about the chili incident, which ive added a LOT of punchlines to, and im working on a few more at the moment!

ive had some pretty deep shit going on in my head recently, mainly to do with my outlook on life and i think ive come to a pretty important conclusion. malice does nothing but hold you back, bad blood with someone will just stifle your happiness and ruin your day.

people have done fucked up things to me in my life. girls have been horrible, guys have been dickheads and everything in between, and until recently, as a natural human reaction, i obviously held malice towards these people.


every bad thing is put aside. not forgotten, because to forget is to not learn. but put aside, it doesnt matter in my frame any more.

people offer so much to my life that i cant dislike some people like that. everyone makes mistakes and something clicked in my brain and made me notice that.
its not a question of putting aside self respect and potentially embracing people who have hurt me in the past, its respecting myself enough to embrace the fact that hate/anger/malice will ruin you.

as pompous as this has no doubt sounded as well, part of the reason for this grand forgivness marathon is the fact that ive been a massive cunt to a lot of people, mainly girls, over the last... 8/9 years or so?
as a result i know what its like to be disliked, and its rough. so i dont want to extend that feeling to anyone.

so if we've had beef in the past (and not in any delicious bbq sense of the word) consider that beef gone. come over for some green tea, we'll have a chat, and im sure if we keep open minds that by the end of that cup we'll both be better people.

the gig tonight was a thing of beauty, it put me in such a great mood! it was a real pleasure gigging with all the guys tonight, will lynch, ian perth, abie philbin bowman, johnny hughes, aidan killian and the man from sweden magnus betner.
one of the most enjoyable gigs ive had in a long long time.

swedish girls are crazy, intense and very attractive. swedish men are 9 feet tall vikings. swedish comedy is smart. yes indeed.

well, thats enough from me tonight, its been an eye opening evening, but in true marcus fashion, the sun is coming up and im not asleep yet because im smiling on the couch.

i love you all


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

heaven only knows

today and tonight were strange, not in a good or bad way, just in an eye opening way.

im exhausted so im gonna post an old song :)

its called when i dream, i dream of you.

we hold hands in secret,
in the dark
behind closed doors,
patchwork patterns in your eyes
and a little light that tore,
right on through the clouds
and let the sun peek through
and when im tired
i sleep,
i dream
and when i dream
i dream of you,
breathing underwater
defying gravity
through the air
close our eyes and look around
see our faces lit up
on the walls of time square,
breathing in pure sun
give a bright new light
to this whole affair
and we kiss in secret
in the dark
beside closed doors
little tender moments
and i always wish for more
here i hope
to find a way
to break the dark
let in the light of day
patchwork patterns in your eyes
that will never fade away
and when im tired
i sleep
i dream
and when i dream
i dream of you
climbing trees
and kissing me
and everything else
that we will do

Sunday, March 28, 2010

the cave/light and day/the lighthouse

good evening world, after a good day comes a good night, i have that relaxed melty feeling, much like the cheese on a delicious cheese toasted sandwhich. yes indeed.

today was insane. a proper harbringer of the summer. its like the clocks went forward last night and that little click in the watch mechanism set a spark which ignited my need for adventure and discovery.

started like any other day, safe in the cave of duvets that is my bed after falling asleep at about 7 am, listening to my own heartbeats as the cracks in the curtains gained illumination.

continued like any other day, farting around my apartment playing guitar and listening to music and not doing anything hugely productive.
but then the ignition.

it always starts as something tiny, like that first leaf that catches flames and leads to a forest fire.
i called sean who was in his room and proposed the idea of a casual jog to him, no more than 15 minutes and just around fitzwilliam square, before a late breakfast which we could revel in on the couches.
he agreed.
deadly. game on.

tartan shorts, high socks, running shoes and an old tshirt later we left the apartment with a little pink rugby ball. the purpose of which was that if we didnt feel motivated about running at any stage the holder of the ball would shout go long and the other person would have to run to catch it as he hurled it as far as he can. yup. we're awesome like that, turning demotivation into a motivational game. (do it, it works)

so then the adventure fire started burning brighter and we decided to run down the canal, looking at the ducks, high 5ing any fellow joggers we happened to run by, because it makes people happy...
and in a forrest gumpesque move... we just kept running, until we, to our suprise an delight, reached sandymount.

cool. we maybe should have stopped there because when youre not running on a treadmill, you have to run back from wherever you run. but we ignored that. we climbed trees and walls and poles and everything else until we decided that we'd run to the base of the chimneys and call it a day..

then came the hello game, where we take turns greeting every approaching person in a different ways. old people smiled. young couples ignored us but looked back as we ran away. dogs chased us. we chased dogs. it was awesome, a lady on a bike called adriana even gave us a chilled bottle of coke to drink because we said hello to her and had some banter. add sugar and caffeine to adventure and it will only lead to one thing. not stopping at the chimneys.

sure we got there, and took some fun pictures..

seriously impressed with the iphone 3gs camera, tasty shutter speed and that!

so, not wanting to stop there, we ran on around the coast, with the tide out, watching the waves, which were ages away.
we came across some flat sand and decided release our artistic sides in the only way we know.

running makes you think a lot, especially when you have a lot to think about. if youre feeling stressed or bad or sad for whatever reason, try going for a run. escape wherever is bringing you down. go far away, explore, say hi to strangers and find out some new stuff about your city.

we ran all the way to poolbeg lighthouse, racing a ship out of the harbour.


thats about 7km further than i originally thought we'd go.

walked home a different way than we had came, through the industrial docklands, cant wait to get back there with my camera, theres some amazingly beautiful shit looking places there. if that makes sense to any of you.

i can tell you that there is no better feeling than sitting down after that kind of excursion. with no shoes on.

its been a day of adventure, and its set off the summer in me. this ones going to be beyond fantastic.
last summer was just a warm up.

"the lighthouse"

a journey isnt about the destination
the things you learn on that journey make it pale in comparison
but sitting on this rock
staring out over ship provoked waves
i feel calm
the pain in my feet
my legs
the burning in my muscles
they are washed away by the salty air.

turn problems on their head
and forget that you ever called them problems
embrace the decision to pick the furthest point in the horizon
and running there.
embrace the sand in your shoes and the blisters.
theres beauty in everything if youre prepared to find beauty,
from rusty ladders to rocks sprayed silver.
i find that the lighthouse just became an idea,
spawned from every little spark that caught in our heads.
these are the times ill remember when i cant think of anything,
and that will make me smile when everything else seems on the way out.
find those times yourself, and they'll save you.

much love


Saturday, March 27, 2010


epic win. this is the spoil from tonights battle. *cue final fantasy victory music*


also, free cocktails in no name, i spent no money tonight. epic win. i have to go out in a suit more often..

wrote some cracking material today as well, need to road test it at the multitude of fun gigs that i have coming up! :D

needless to say, tonight has made me happy.

of all the random shit ive brought home from nights out... traffic cones, road signs, clothes, hats, glasses... this has to be the finest prize.

all the shit that has gone down in the last few months and especially the last week has been pretty potent but i think ive cracked the secret to managing it, keeping positive and smiling like a fucking eejit all day.
take a problem and realise that its NOT A PROBLEM. problems are a matter of perception, and you can turn every one around on its head into an opportunity. ok, maybe not a terminal disease or anything like that. but in general, if you have anything to bring to that big table that is life, and you can bring it neatly presented on a pretty porcelain plate, youre going to do well.

when all else fails, take a problem, break it into the equivalent smaller more insignificant problems and destroy them.

smile and it'll sort your shit out.
make people cups of tea. give flowers to strangers on the street. give hugs to strangers. get out of your comfort zone. learn new shit.

seriously. theres so much to smile about if you just forget the bad stuff. or focus on the good stuff.

in the last month or so, i went through a very potent breakup that, to be perfectly honest, left me feeling as if someone had taken a blender and shoved my insides into it. will it blend on youtube shtyle.

i could have moped. i could have cried and listened to taking back sunday and the juliana theory on repeat. i could have sat around hugging my knees in the corner of my room, and to be honest, i cant pretend that thats not what i wanted to do.
when shit goes down, its a natural human reaction to withdraw into yourself to protect yourself. and to anyone who does that, its no problem, people have been doing it forever and people will forever be doing it. hell, its what ive done any other time bad shit hit the relationship fan. which in my (almost) 21 years, has been far too many times.
what made this time different was self motivation. being on stage a couple of times a week making people laugh requires a good attitude. smiling at people on the street requires a good attitude. sitting having tea with the random homeless and talking about shit thats effected them takes a good attitude. so i decided to look after number 1, readjust the frame of mind that i was in and get back into life.

to adjust myself from caring boyfriend marcus to marcus who talks to random girls in bars and gets high fives from all the boys.

to bridge the gaps in your life that naturally occur when you spend 6 months dedicated to making someone happy.

to force myself to drop the baggage and to just move on. smiling.

as much as i miss the comfort of being able to call someone who youre infinitly close to at any time to hang out and cuddle and have crazy sex and banter and watch silly movies while curled up in bed, its the direction my life is going. i am enjoying the bachelor lifestyle and intend to stay as such for a good long while, hopefully meeting some amazing people along the way.

also, listen to seal. specifically kiss from a rose.

uplifting stuff

wow... this quick post has turned into a bit of a self help essay.

im quite tired from having a heroic free night with the kev, so ill try an write some musical poetic goodness tomorrow!

im going to go to sleep listening to my own heart beat now.

night all

much love

marcus :D

Friday, March 26, 2010

connemara rambo.

tonight worked to take my mind off things, went to war, palace, thomas reeds and back to war again and then grafton street banter.

i was told on several occasions i looked like john rambo tonight, except my warpaint was green.

got a lot of people shouting street justice as well as the night went on, so buzzed about that!

gonna try and actually write a piece fresh tonight, so here goes, for the laugh.

its been a long long day
and its heading for a long night
staring at the cracks in my curtains
and those cracks are getting bright,
and even though some cracks broke through
the walls that i built up
your smile and the way you grabbed my hand
helped me get back up
from the ground
where i had fallen
just a few hours before.
and with war paint
and restraint we carry on the night
dancing to the KOL singing a bit of
slow night, so long
ill be running to my house after youre gone,
fast asleep
end of a tough couple of weeks
i just hope i find a way to stay on my own two feet.

to build a home

a large part of my life was massivly shaken today when my dads company, murray olaoire architects (, founded in 1979, went into liquidation.
im not going to pretend that i know how to rationalise this in my head, im not an expert in business, its not my area and i only know the basic facts but what really shocked me was this.
i knew murray olaoire was going to liquidate, ive known for a while because we've talked about it as a family and the way my dad dealt with it made my respect for him skyrocket to heights i didnt think possible. with all the plans being put into place to deal with the liquidation in the most sensible way whilst retaining dignity. part of this was an agreed date to release full details of liquidation to the public and the media.

this morning i woke up to a series of messages from various people asking me if i was alright, asking if my family were alright, asking me how i was feeling etc, and it didnt dawn on me what was happening until i connected the dots in my head.

someone who is unknown at present decided to contact various media sources and tell them, for some reason, that murray olaoire are going under, quite a while before the set date, thus making life difficult for everyone involved, and especially difficult for my dad, who now has to deal with the liquidation process and the tv/paper interviews.

needless to say, i would like to find the person who leaked the information before the release date and give them a good auld fashioned slap in the head.
fucking ignorant petty dickheads.

i guess i can only do what i can to be there supporting my dad, as he has supported me all my life, as he goes through this difficult time.

to add to that, bumping into people who catch me offguard and confuse me doesnt help in the least.

at least aidan bishops preview show was great :)

ill keep you posted on whats going on when i know, and sorry for the poor quality of writing in this, my head is a bit melted today...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

when i grow up

as my twenty first birthday approaches, ive been thinking what i want in the future.

when i grow up;

i will make people laugh more than anything.

i will make people smile.

i want to be like bear grylls.

i will go all over the world.

i want to make the world a better place in my own small way.

i want to own a slow loris.

i want to train a dog to roll over.

i will do alright in edinburgh fringe festival.

the next year, i will do even better in edinburgh.

i want to sort out my sleeping patterns.

i want to eat in one of heston blumenthals places.

i will go back to japan.

i will love.

i will hate.

i will be perfectly indifferent.

i will smile.

i will frown.

i will make that strange face that looks like both depending on your vantage point.

i want to be more like my dad. the man is unbelievable, and even though we've had our differences in the past i dont think theres anyone on this green earth i respect and look up to more. you're the man dad.

i want to write and stage a play.

i wont let the child in me die.

i will gig all over ireland, the uk and hopefully, the world.

i will play some music concerts for a change.

i will tour this summer fingers crossed.

i will have some amazing friends.

i will have some amazing times.

i will realise, that just as Icarus said, "all limits are self imposed" and ill get off my ass and realise all the things ive said in this list.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

hazel hot chocolate

heres a little poem i write a good while ago!

hazel hot chocolate

cameras flash
like miniature sunrises
and when close eyes meet
with smiling suprises
when light fades
and day breaks
and we still talk and talk
and dont notice the cameras
the lights or the action
or even stifled applause
but have our own darkroom
a refuge, of sorts
where we can develop our scenes
and only take in and focus the present
the colours
and forget all that has been
and gone
and turned to dust
while letters flashed on screen
where pictures go by
of a girl with chocolate eyes
and my eyes are reflected with green
laugh at my jokes
and ill dance to your tunes
while that old crowd looks blankly by
youve gone through some shit
but your heart is as warm
as your hazel hot chocolate eyes

pictures of success

afternoon people! hope youre all well, as im sitting in my apartment with a big stupid grin on my face.

last night was a fantastic blast! went from spending a day with my good friend mary, who it was great to catch up with and have the banter and then, after the obligatory lad banter in pembroke, myself and sean, who was filming for me headed on down to the international!

there were only three acts on last night, tasha k opning, myself doing 10-15 and then the fantastic sketch group foil arms and hog doing the second half after the break.

tasha, who features in rte's the savage eye and is generally a lovely bubbly girl nailed it, got a great response from a loud and rowdy crowd and i could feel the buzz before i even set foot in the room!

for any of you who have seen my comedy before, i love crowds with a lot of energy, and this one didnt dissapoint!

i decided to try some written material about paddys day which i was shitting myself about because.. well.. i never do written material! but it got a great reaction so i was pumped.

and then, the shit unknowingly hit the comedy fan in the funniest way possible.

over the right side of the room were a big group of people, good auld dublin types, so i picked a guy at random, lets call him trevor. now, i had to pick a girl so i had heard i twas someones birthday in the club so i asked and by coincidence, she was walking back in from the bathroom when i asked where she was.

all fine and dandy, until they sit down beside each other.

but sure, id already set the premise so i had to roll with it!

so i went on to describe their potential relationship in vivid detail, finishing in her getting spitroasted by trevor and a marraige councellor, wearing leather and chains.

as it transpired, trevor had just broken up with his girlfriend the day before, the birthday girl had also gone out with trevor at some stage so their friendship was somewhat akward to begin with, she was sitting beside her new boyfriend who is paranoid about her getting back with trevor and to ice off the cake, i visually described her performing various sexual acts to the song boom boom pow by the black eyed peas.

i dont think that could have gone any better.

hit up crawdaddy after with the boys, it was epic.

much love


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My grandfathers sword.

this is a very short piece which i wrote when my grandmother in france presented me with my grandfathers military ww2 sword, he was an amazing man, and it was a huge honour to call that piece of family history my own.

hope you like it.

My Grandfathers sword.

Downstairs in a cupboard under the stairs lies a sword.
A beautiful weapon... light, perfectly balanced and well crafted.
The sword of an officer.
My grandfathers sword.

It never did anybody any harm, for even in defence my grandfather would disarm his enemy with reason and charm, but that cold steel echoes the same song as every weapon of war.
The slow song of potential.
In other hands that blade could have slashed flesh, cut throats, killed animals and men alike. there are millions of "could have beens" that you can attach to a weapon like that.
A hundred movie stars who could wield it in a climactic scene. A thousand men who could defend their families from some unrelenting yet unseen danger with the blade. A million who would rather resort to the sword than anything else. Few who resorted to anything else.
Even fewer who resorted to any other option with the weight of that cutting edge at their side.

When i open my eyes to the morning sun, i think about that sword.
The weight of potential that it carries in its very essence and how we, as people are exactly the same.
In the place of a sharp shining blade, we have fists, feet and well trained minds.
In the place of a scabbard, we have the defences we put up on a day to day, shielding us from the hazards of emotion and truth.
In the place of the grip lies our human self control. our conscience, like a guiding hand wrapped around us, showing which direction to take.

We all have the same potential, to do great and terrible things by the obvious brutal measure, or to resort to the anything else.
anything else at all.

go steady with it!

im looking forward to tonight. yes i am. :D

heading to do some comedy in the mish mash in the international in a few minutes and im in a severely banterful mood!

my friend paddy k is juicing up a jazz gig downstairs and i think that its kinda cool that two guys who have known each other practically their entire lives are performing, by coincidence, through diffrent mediums and in the same building.

mish mash is one of my favourite shows to do and id do it regularly enough, i think this is my 5th or 6th time on that stage and i love it more every time, great crowd, great hosts and an iconic venue.

was setting up my calender for april today comedy wise and im pumped for some of the gigs! have the capital, two dates in the intrnational, headlining milk and cookies in the exchange... gigging in alfies comdy club in tramore as well, which is fun because im dying to gig more outside of dublin!

anyway, im gonna trudge through some of my old writings, post something and bounce to this gig!

much love


Monday, March 22, 2010

this little piggy

this little piggy.

this little piggy went to the market.

they lay side by side.
it had been a long day and a short night they had spent together in that bed, they hardly knew each other but they knew each other so well it caught them both off guard.
they had met by pure coincidence, as people always do, but that had been in the past.
he smiled, she smiled, they both laughed as the sun slipped through the blinds drawing lines of afternoon light across the room.

this little piggy stayed at home.

he played with her hair and noticed that the rose he had given her looked completely different in the strip of sunlight.
so did the colour of her skin, she was pale and wonderful.
there were 6 lines of sun starting at her hair and traversing down to her toes.

this little piggy had roast beef.

her toes.
perfect little toes.
she wiggled them when she saw him looking at them and he smiled.
"why are you looking at my toes"? she asked.
he looked her and replied "ive known you for such a short space of time but i love you, from the longest hair on your head, to your smallest toe".
she smiled deeply and wiggled them again.

This little piggy had none

she had everything for him.
he had everything for her.
they found their homes in each other.
and went wee wee wee... all the way back to sleep.

little secrets

having gone to sleep at roughly 7:45 this morning, i had set my alarm for half 2 this afternoon, being woken up by little secrets by passion pit, which snoozed into some music from the soundtrack fro the princess and the frog and then the writer by ellie goulding.

my good friend and general legend lynne swan hooked me up with a ticket to passion pit recently who were supported by the wonderful ellie goulding, who, as i didnt know what to expect, caught me off guard. She was awesome.

seeing passion pit really put something in my head, theyre a band who have no individual ego attached to their music, and thats so rare and amazing to see.
their stage set up has them all looking at each other, and the singer is too busy bouncing around the stage like a mad bastard to hit up the "im here, everybody look" vibe you get from a lot of frontmen.
it was brilliant. its rare that you see a band that are completely about the music, but passion pit are one of those bands.
next time they play, go, and bring your friends and family.

ive started writing again, in any capacity i can. for the last 7/8 years, writing has been a huge passion of mine but in the last while my head hasnt been in it, so as part of my new "now this is happening" life, i picked up the pen again!
and its actually going ok. so happy out!

ill post some stuff ive written in a seperate post.

today is going to be a good day.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

day one

well, iv given in to a ten year old trend and ive decided to set up a blog. about time too, im going to try and update this as often as i can with stories from my life and comedy and everything else.

may as well start with a bit about myself?

My name is Marcus Garbhan Simon Louis O'laoire de Saint Michel Dunezat and im a 20 year old irish male.
im tall, and a generally bad person.
i play music, make people laugh from stage and make cocktails for a living. as well as some other things here and there!

i ride bikes too.

i dont use capital letters. much.

im from Dublin.

My life recently has been an amazing up and down of emotions and confusion and im taking it one day at a time. thats probably another reason why im setting up this blog, to write down some of the insane shit that happens on the day to day, with my friends and all those wonderful random people who float in and out of my life on a daily basis...

this could be the start of something.

